Minutes of general meeting 2020
Minutes from this year’s general meeting are now available (click here) . (Norwegian only, sorry). Previous years’ protocols and summons are in a separate archive .
We are glad that as many as 45 participants chose to attended the general meeting, since this was the first digital annual meeting ever. We even ended up with a nice increase from last year.

General meeting 2020
We strongly recommend all unit owners to read through the notice. It is in Norwegian only, contact styret@badebakken.no if you need help.
If there is something you need to clarify or ask about, contact the board at styret@badebakken.no well in advance before voting begins. The board can then post additional information if something is unclear.
USBL has prepared a user guide that explains how to proceed to access voting. (Norwegian only)
The deadline for submitting cases to the general meeting was before the notice was printed. If you have a case that needs to be presented to the housing association’s general meeting, you either have to wait until spring 2021 or an extraordinary general meeting must be held, which requires either the board to call in or that you collect enough signatures. We have also made a separate article on general meetings .
This year’s notice as a pdf file
This year’s cover photo illustrates that the M242 has got new balconies and that Trygg VVS is working on the renovation of tap water pipes. This year’s back photo (below) shows what is happening south of us, and this view will be unique for parts of 2020, soon a 6 storey high block will emerge here.
News from Badebakken May 29th
Trygg VVS reports that there will be some tile work being done on Pentecost day (Saturday) before 4 pm. We’re told that there will not be that much noise from this work.
Everyone shall have received an invitation to the general meeting of the building socied in the mailbox or by email (if one does not live here). This will be the first (and hopefully last) digital general meeting, so please learn more about it by reading the material (not in English, sorry, get someone to translate if needed). There will be a slightly larger article here on this topic in a few days.
A security fence has been fitted around the garage exit to prevent falls.
Some of those who have reported problems with water intrusion from windows and from skylights have had or are being visited by a company that will rectify this these days. This repair work will be of a continuous nature.
The board has now initiated a pre-project on repair of doors, and it there has been an initial inspection together with one possible supplier.
17th of May
17th of May, we will get a visit by the Bjølsen School’s marching band! They perform with both main band, junior band and aspirants, and look forward to visiting!
They should play in the backyard around 9:50am. We hope all residents who are home come and take good care of them, but remember to the corona-rules. So those with a balcony facing the backyard should stand there. Be sure to keep your distance and make room for the band as they march in and out.
There may be delays since they have to go from block to block. They will finish at Sagene church at 1 pm.
The housing co-op has hired the band according to the tariff set by Bydel Sagene, but if the residents want to contribute extra for the band, then you can contribute at spleis.no/bjølsen or VIPPS to 29241 . Revenue from flea markets, etc., has dried up this year, as we all know.
We also want to remind you of the iniative from residents with 17th of May activities (taking into account the corona situation) that are on the bulletin boards in the entry areas.
The board wishes all residents a good, unusual, 17th of May.
Notice from pipe renewal project and spring cleaning in Badebakken
Notice from Trygg about working beyond normal working hours
Due to workload and short work week, work will be done beyond normal working hours Monday to Wednesday next week (May 27-29). Monday and Tuesday there will also be noisy work. This will be heard most by those living in the M236, but quite certainly also by those who have a window to the backyard.
Spring cleaning – Container is coming!
Due to the situation we are in, there is no common spring cleaning bee in the garden and common areas. We ask that each house clear its own common area, both inside and out. We will buy plants and arrange for planting.
The board has ordered a container from Ragn-Sells in connection with the spring cleaning. Container and EE cage will be released on Wednesday 29 April. The container is exchanged on Thursday 30th and then removed on Monday 4th April.
The container is for use for items from both the common areas and garden, as well as private stuff, but please see notice below. We also order an electric/electronic bin (cage): For electrical and electronic waste only. Light bulbs and fluorescent lamps should not be in EE cages, these can be delivered on Menu, so we do not get broken glass in the common area.
NOTE! Do not throw special waste into a container, such as car tires and paint residue. This results in significant fines. This is delivered to the environment station at the top of Shell or driven to the recycling station.
The board and the garden comittee.
Clutter in the entrance areas
In these times with water mains renewal project and a corona pandemic, it is especially important that the common areas are tiday, and especially in the entrance areas. In several houses there is a lot of clutter. The housing cooperative will have everything removed that is not in accordance with the rules, and everything must be removed by Wednesday. The housing association does not provide compensation for lost items.
Here is an excerpt of what is permanently posted on the board at a time, so it should be known to everyone:
- Only one stroller per family is allowed in the entrance area
- Toys, bicycles and the like should not be placed in the hallway.
- Bicycle room should be tidy so bikes can be taken out and taken in. Things like slides, balls and toys should not be stored there. Kick bikes are OK.
- All items in all common areas that are not marked with names and / or apartment numbers can be removed at any time, including those in the bicycle room.
- Advertising should not be in the hallway.
See also Section 2 of the House Rules .
Update on the corona virus situation March 18
The board has received a long list of measures that Trygg VVS has taken to protect against the spread of coronavirus. The project will proceed as planned as specified in the contract, until there are official orders or delivery problems. See the page for the water mains renewal project for whom to contact if you have questions or need to inform about something. It is important to notify immediately when infection or quarantine situations occur. Anyone who has received a letter from Trygg VVS is asked to read this carefully.
We are also in the unfortunate situation that the housing cooperative is a neighbor with a construction project, and when everyone is home on weekdays this becomes extra noticeable. The board sent a request to the contractor to limit the noise and received the following reply: “We see that some of the residents of Badebakken are affected by our work. We refer to the “Regulations on noise reduction in the municipality of Oslo“. Our working hours are from 0700-1900 every weekday. We will try to limit the noisy work to the greatest possible extent and will endeavor not to do this after 1700. During the day, noisy work will occur in connection with the loading of trucks with rock and the splitting of larger boulders.”
Need to chat with the neighbours? There is a facebook group for that: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2329284490/
Update on the novel corona virus situation March 14
Related to the situation around the new corona virus, the board of Badebakken borettslag wishes to inform about the following:
- On Friday March 13th, the board of Badebakken borettslag decided to stop lending out the common room until further notice.
- The main contractor has given notice that the water mains and pipe renewal project may be affected by the situation we have in Norway and elsewhere in the world. It continues until further notice.
- Since so many are at home during daytime these days: We do not know when the blasting work on the neighboring site will end, so remember that adults and children must stay well away when the alarm sounds .
- We encourage residents to follow https://helsenorge.no/coronavirus and keep themselves informed on the situation every day. Take good care of those in vulnerable groups by limiting the spread. Wash your hands. Keep your distance. Keep calm. Wash your hands as soon as you enter the apartment.
- The board will monitor and implement measures if this is imposed on our housing co-op by the authorities.